Sambuca is an anise-flavored liqueur, usually of Italian production. It is a thick sweet liquid, typically colorless, with an alcohol content of about 40%. Sambuca is produced by blending grain-based alcohol, elderberry, and anise, along with extracts from flowers, berries, and herbs. The largest producer of sambuca is the Molinari company, and their product is considered the benchmark for sambuca, but there are other producers as well.
The author’s favorite sambuca is Di Amore, which comes in a distinctive round bottle.
A bottle of sambuca can cost anywhere from one to two thousand rubles.
Sambuca has become a popular part of Russian club culture, thanks to its unique presentation. It is usually served “with three flies,” represented by three coffee beans. More on how to drink sambuca below.
Sambuca is not a “common” drink, and its exact recipe is kept secret.
How to drink sambuca correctly and with what?
There are many ways to enjoy sambuca. Let’s look at the most popular ones.
- The most popular way to drink sambuca is neat. The drink is quite strong but goes down very easily. It’s best served chilled – this makes the sambuca thick and syrupy. It’s practically the perfect digestif.
- The most traditional way to drink sambuca is with the “con mosca” method (“with flies”): the sambuca is poured into a stemmed brandy glass, three coffee beans are thrown in, symbolizing health, wealth, and happiness, and the sambuca is then lit on fire.
- Sambuca is usually drunk from small glasses. It is lit on fire, burns for about half a minute, and then is extinguished and drunk warm. In the author’s opinion, it’s not a very pleasant way to enjoy sambuca.
- In some cases, a second brandy glass is placed on top of the first, and sambuca is poured into the top glass, coffee beans are added, and the sambuca is lit on fire. The top glass needs to be constantly rotated to evenly heat the glass and avoid it from cracking (Warning! A cracked glass can lead to the burning liquid splashing out). The sambuca is then extinguished, poured into the bottom, cold glass, and drunk. The hot glass from which the sambuca was poured is turned upside down, and after the sambuca is drunk, the fumes are inhaled from the glass. More on this below.
Classic serving
The Italian version with “flies,” which are three coffee beans that represent health, prosperity, and happiness. For this method, you will need Sambuca itself, two glasses, coffee beans, cocktail straws, napkins, and matches.
In the first glass, place the coffee beans and pour in 50-70 ml of Sambuca. Then, in the center of a paper napkin, make a small hole and insert a cocktail straw. The entire construction is placed on a small dish to avoid accidentally dirtying the table or tablecloth. Then comes the most interesting part – the drink is carefully set on fire with matches or a lighter. The alcohol is strong, so it quickly ignites. The blue flame should engulf the drink for 5-10 seconds. Then, the flaming drink is poured into another glass, covering it with the first. When the fire stops burning, the first glass, with all the coffee beans remaining, is carefully moved onto a napkin. The Sambuca from the second glass is consumed in one gulp – the taster holds the coffee beans in their mouth and then takes several deep breaths through the straw and chews on the coffee. This procedure can be repeated several times.
Classic serving Italian version with “flies”
That’s what three coffee beans are called, symbolizing health, prosperity, and happiness. For this method, you will need Sambuca, two glasses, coffee beans, cocktail straws, napkins, and matches.
In the first glass, place the coffee beans and pour in 50-70 ml of Sambuca. Then, a small hole is made in the center of a paper napkin, into which a cocktail straw is inserted. The entire structure is placed on a small plate to avoid accidentally staining the table or tablecloth. Then comes the most interesting part – the drink is carefully lit with matches or a lighter. The alcohol is strong, so it quickly ignites. The blue flame should engulf the drink for 5-10 seconds. Then, the flaming drink is poured into another glass, covering it with the first one. When the flame stops burning, the first glass, in which all the coffee beans remain, is carefully moved to the napkin. The Sambuca from the second glass is consumed in one gulp – the taster holds the coffee beans in his mouth, then takes a few deep breaths through the straw and chews the coffee. This procedure can be repeated several times.
Chilled Sambuca
A well-known way of drinking sambuca is to consume it chilled. It makes for a perfect refreshing drink that is ideal for hot summer days. Lime or lemon can be served with this sambuca, according to personal preference.
The Strangest Way to Drink Sambuca
This is a very unusual way of consuming the Italian liqueur that nevertheless enjoys great popularity. Water is boiled in a teapot, then discarded, after which 50 ml of sambuca is poured into the teapot. The teapot is then shaken well, and the contents are drunk. This is the most “home-made” way of consuming this alcohol among family members. Before tasting the drink, it is necessary to inhale its vapors through the spout. This is a very peculiar method that nevertheless has the right to exist.
Sambuca with mineral water
In hot weather, many people prefer to drink Sambuca mixed with cool mineral water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. The alcohol immediately releases a pleasant anise flavor. The alcohol, which appears cloudy due to the content of essential oils, does not taste any different; on the contrary, it begins to look very unusual.
Sambuca with milk
Another strange method at first glance, which many people consider very spicy and memorable. However, milk should not be added to the alcohol. Sambuca is simply consumed in one gulp, followed by a drink of milk.
Burning shot of Sambuca: How to set it on fire
A favorite way of consuming the Italian liquor by Russians. This method requires minimal effort and time. Sambuca is poured into a shot glass, set on fire, and left to burn for about 6-8 seconds. Then the liquor needs to be quickly extinguished with one strong exhale and immediately consumed in one gulp while it is still warm.
No less popular are cocktails with this alcohol, which make its taste milder and the culture of consumption more familiar. Drinking Sambuca neat can be done in various ways, depending on your personal preferences.